
Eric stood up and he undid his pants. I caught Charles trying to look over to see what his dad was packing. Eric’s thick 9” cock was fully erect as he slid his pants and boxers down. “holy fuck dad, your huge!” said Charles while looking at his father’s cock. “Thanks son, bigger than you I hear.” Said Eric and Charles just laughed as he went back to my pussy. Eric put one leg up on the couch and leaned toward me. Knowing exactly what he wanted I started sucking his cock. I loved that it took. " I'll call 'im. It will be no more curious than anything that's happened in our lives lately." Look, Kim," Karen told me, "I asked around. About you, you know. A lot of people knew about your mom. Some of them know about you in school and they say you're a good kid. People I trust tell me that. Be good to my daughter, okay?" I'll love her like my own." You sound serious." I am. People don't deserve to be used as pawns in somebody else's game. They don't deserve to be cast aside because Momma's. She even hated Ted for going along with Don's blackmailing scheme.But what real choice did any of them have? That was what rankled. What was even worse, it was only a matter of time before Don camc back and demanded another sex show for his amusement. Somehow, it was more humiliating being put on display for his amusement than it was actually allowing the student to fuck her.Liz didn't understand that, but it was the way she felt.In the hallway after her second period class, she saw Ted. Tossing the portfolio on the table, she picked up the TV remote and switched it on. Slipping off the jacket of her blue business suit she hung it on the back of one of the chairs and flopped on the double bed nearest the TV cabinet. Pulling her knees up and resting her head on her bent arm she aimlessly flipped through all the available channels. Returning to one of the talk shows she put the remote aside.The show had just started. It appeared that the topic had something to do with lesbian.
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